Saturday, July 12, 2008
Youth Rally!!
@ 7/12/2008
Youth Rally just passed..i think it was great... oh i ushered first i gave out the door gifts.. you only supposed to give only to the newcomers.. but im not an usher so i don really know who is new.. so Laura complained..and she took it from me.. so i gave out the "happenings in 365" leaflet.. i gave and gave and gave.. bcoz like so many ppl came! i skipped worship bcoz i was still did tat b4.. then the Day at The Zoo came... i think they were a bit to loud.. but they play their music instruments crazy pro!! then the play.. poor su- ann had to buy time bcoz sam's mike somethin wrong..haha.. After the Rally i had to clean the hall.. you know wat i found??? more than 7 leaflets of the one's i gave out were on the floor, and one crumpled, unfilled communication card!! wat la u malaysians.. at least la take the leaflets back...sheesh...but overall there were a lot of nercomers.. and it was fun.... FIN