Monday, November 3, 2008
@ 11/03/2008
On saturday, my distant cousin got married. yes, im related to Grace in case some of u people are like Gideon soo blur..! everybody dressed up so pro-ly. the church was decorated so nice. got PINK balloons,poor Sam., flowers and pictures. then the wedding. it was nice. the Ng's and the Voon's made a performance. the song was ok, but i could tell Victor was nervous. then we had lunch. we had veg la, beef(i think) etc and lamb! it was so nice wei. eat and eat. then my me and my family a.k.a ben, jason, u.hock keat, pastor hock huat and so on went to chum cha(if that is how u spell it.)
a lot of ppl wei. ps.hong seng's family very big. we had to call menghong umm... i forgot. i don remember this kind of stuff. hahah. then went my cousin's house for a short while.
Then frm there we went straight to yf. Min Ser spoke. long time(everybody say long time) never see him. he is the same. then went to my other uncle's house to eat dinner. then came home see my Man Utd match. Guess what? they won. and guess what happened to Arsenal? they lost. and liverpool? they lost too!! HAHAHA! stupid la this van persie no brains. purposely go knock into the GK for what>???
Went to church the next morning. teased laura and kyle. it was fun.
a lot of ppl wei. ps.hong seng's family very big. we had to call menghong umm... i forgot. i don remember this kind of stuff. hahah. then went my cousin's house for a short while.

Then frm there we went straight to yf. Min Ser spoke. long time(everybody say long time) never see him. he is the same. then went to my other uncle's house to eat dinner. then came home see my Man Utd match. Guess what? they won. and guess what happened to Arsenal? they lost. and liverpool? they lost too!! HAHAHA! stupid la this van persie no brains. purposely go knock into the GK for what>???
Went to church the next morning. teased laura and kyle. it was fun.