Monday, January 5, 2009
Oh yeah baby... @ 1/05/2009
School starts. Yes, my "school" too. Dont think its just all fun and games ok.

All the 14.. sorry, 15 yrs old ppl would be dyin this year for the same reason all the 16 yrs old ppl died last yr.

( i know, you all are wondering "why doesnt he just say, all dying because of PMR this yr. so complicating)

I started school today with a heavy heart. Didnt want to do work. Just felt like goin out again. I saw the yf camp pictures, even more depressing.

My camp cd is missing some pictures ya know? Have to give to Michelle to take a look at it.

(talking about random things here.)

Seen my facebook profile lately? I mean the name. like "Nicholas is feeling tired"?. Yeah. go take a look. Really I don mind.

Danielle's admiration of Nani has grown higher ever since he scored a penalty even Laura could score. Oh, and her Dosh queendom is getting bigger and bigger i tell you.

Seriously, I really don mind him as my bro-in-law..
(Its a compliment ok Sean!)