Monday, July 27, 2009
Way back into love. @ 7/27/2009
I'm sick. And its thanks to either Adrian Yap or Danielle Chun. Urgh.
Kept tossing and turning in the night. Had no idea why I felt so uncomfortable.
Then i felt cold. Then in struck me. Stupid fever.

I hate fevers. Cant let you do anything. When i try to make movements with my head, it would be so painful. Im sure you all know what I'm talking about right.
Have a mad sore throat too. In the Chien's house yesterday night, i could hardly even speak. Kept coughing and coughing. Haiz. It was worse when i woke up today. Maybe it was because of the durians. :)

Not to mention me, but Ben, Julian and Jeremy is sick too.

So I am home alone while my sisters and mom is out shopping. Not that I want to shop with them, but felt like just going out.

Happy Birthday Sam!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Clocks. @ 7/18/2009
3-2. The Malaysian could really leave with their heads held high man.
They played not bad. I mean c'mon la. Man Utd could have thumped them 4-0 or something. But they subbed the stars cause they wanted the whole team to play.
That's why you will NEVER see Van Der Sar doing a mistake like Ben Foster's. Shame man.

But Yaya's first goal was really good la.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Glory Glory Man United!! @ 7/17/2009
I saw them. I saw them! My goodness! The crowd, which was half the Bukit Jalil Stadium, erupted when they came in.

Ok, let me tell you what happened. Me and some of my football friends went there 2 hours earlier in case there was jam or stuff like that. But there wasn't. So, we waited in the Stadium when on the speakers there was something like a drum roll, the crowd roared. And out came...... the Malaysian team. My side of the crowd all boo-ed them and asked them to get off the field. So supportive. Their time to train was 4:30, where else Utd's one was 5:30. So we watched them train. Their finishings are HORRIBLE I tell you. Dreadful.The team that made the whole stadium frustrated, the Malaysian team..

Then after 1 hr and about 20 mins later, the Utd team came in. Well, not all at once. But one at a time. First was Scholes, then Giggs, followed by Nani, then a whole lot of them came la.
The crowd went mad i tell you. Well, so did I.

Then they started doing their training and all. We all were singing United songs. And aslo the crowd succesfully managed to do a complete Mexican Wave. Never seen that before.

Then after a joyous 1 hr, the Utd team ended their training. They waved to us when they were walking back. ( I took more pictures actually, but me, being me, was too lazy to put ALL of them up, too many)

I was totally a dream come true for me.Good job on the banner guys!
Monday, July 13, 2009
She told me her name was Billie Jean.. @ 7/13/2009
I felt that my blog needed updating. Dont matter whether its just a picture, or alot of words, but it just needed updating.

So much things happened this week. And I'm in no mood to explain it right now. Far too lazy.

My finger is killing me right now. Played basketball, and the ball hit my finger. So it's swollen now. Ouch. Painful!

I realized a lot of people are going too see Man Utd trash Malaysia. I DO want to go. But the first problem: Transport. How in the world am I gonna go there?
Secondly: Tickets. Its crazy la to wake up at 6am in the morning and line up at 1U. I have better things to do then that.
Thirdly: If I went to a Nike store and they said they do sell tickets, where am I gonna find the money to pay? My Dad? Haha. A Liverpool supporter? Pay for my MAN UTD tickets? Oh yeah. That would work.
So I concluded I best not go. Saves a lot of trouble for me. And my parents. But I REALLY DO want to go.

My condolences go with the Chien family. My He give you all strength.
Monday, July 6, 2009
The way you make me feel. @ 7/06/2009
A children church kid thought we were brothers.
Friday, July 3, 2009
@ 7/03/2009
Ah. Terrible week.
Not because of our car crash on Thursday, but it has just been terrible.
Oh yeah, not many of you know about the crash. It was a 12 car pile up. Well, not pile up la. But 12 cars crashed into each other la.
We are all fine. The car isnt thought. Haha.

Anyway, troubles aside.
*takes deep breath*
My words cant even express it la. Took away our Ronaldo, our Benzema, now they even attracting Ribery. Argh!
AND, Michael Owen is coming to Man Utd? Really VERY VERY wierd!