Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Slugbug! @ 10/20/2009
Yo people! :D

This week seemed really L-O-N-G. I think its because I went to church 3 times this week because of the Healing Seminar thing so it made my Saturday and Sunday feel long-ER and also its because my cousins and a certain Danielle and Adipatria slept over my house on Friday :) Lol. I came to church on Saturday night, and i have no idea how, but people already knew about the sleepover. My gosh! -.-

Im being like Laura today. See all the smiley faces? :) Yeah she does that alot.

And im sure you people know by now that when Nicholas Ng posts a post he HAS to talk about football right? :D Right. So here it is:
My F.P.L team got little points this week. So did everybody la. Normally my score is about 45? But it dropped this time.
I hate international games you know that! Because of that, my Rooney got injured! :(
Crap la.
And did you all know I have not been watching my United matches? You know why? Its because of my dad. For 2 weeks Liverpool's game has been the same time as MY match! And my dad would of course hog the tv. So what to do? No wonder Liverpool has been doing so badly this season. :)

I was on youtube the other day, searching for random songs, when I found a Zee Avi. :) She is a Malaysian! Yes, yes that may be old news, but whoa. Not bad. Not bad at all, dont you think?
And she can play the ukelele! I want to learn that la. So the pro.

Ok I gotta stop the smiley face already.. *shudders*

Im acting again. Yay! :D